Midwest Specialty Chemicals, located in Caledonia, Michigan, was founded by Randy Bierlein in 2007. Skillfully applying an ethic of rigid standards over a 35+ year career in the Construction and Restoration industries, prepared Randy for his new endeavor. He then gained eighteen months additional extensive
experience assisting victims in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Toxic mold, and a flood of other varying contamination issues became his passion. It was through the very effective application of innovative mold remediation products which strengthened Randy's belief that these products should also be made available to mold remediation contractors in other areas of the country. Randy acquired the ability to make these amazing technologies available to mainstream contracting, consulting, and environmental testing companies.

Upon returning to Michigan, Randy started his own decontamination company which offers remediation from mold, smoke, odors, clandestine methamphetamine labs, other forms of indoor air pollution, and interior contamination. As an authorized distributor, our mission, through Midwest Specialty Chemicals(MSC), is to disseminate the most innovative product lines to other mold remediation and restoration contractors. We also want to share these incredible products, procedures, and protocols to help cleanup not only indoor air but to initiate far reaching bacterial and pathogenic decontamination, in our homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, and nursing homes.

Aware that traditional remediation methods are extremely costly, and only partially effective, and that MSC products offer real solutions for people who otherwise would be unable to afford contaminant remediation...

...Midwest Specialty Chemicals is set-up to serve decontamination contractors throughout the country. We utilize a team of independent contracted professionals as our primary sales force, with primary marketing, sales support generated through internet and print advertising.